Probability is one of the most important mathematical concepts that we use/come across in our day-to-day life. Particularly important in business and economic situations, probability is also used by us in our personal lives.
Probability means the chance of the occurrence of an event. In layman terms, we can say that it is the likelihood that something that is defined as the event-will or will not occur. Thus probabilities can be estimated for each of the following events in our personal lives:
a) The chance that a candidate chosen at random will clear an interview.
b) The chance that you will win a game of flush in cards if you have a trio of twos in a game where four people are playing.
The knowledge of these estimations helps individuals decide on the course of action they will take in their day-to-day life. For instance, your estimation/ judgment of the probability of your chances of winning the card game in Event C above will influence your decision about the amount of money you will be ready to invest in the stakes for the particular game. The application of probability to personal life helps in improving our decision making.
However, the use of probability is much more varied and has far reaching influence on the world of economics and business. Some instances of these are:
a) The estimation of the probability of the success of a business project,
b) The estimation of the probability of the death of a 25-year old man in the next 10 years and that of the death of  a 55-year old man in the next 10 years leading to the  calculation to the premiums for life insurance.

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