Parents want the best education for their children: a good school, excellent teachers, including appropriate technology and tutors (both of which are available with online tutoring services).  Now, they should make sure to include physical activities to help them to do better academically.
For the first time, the brains of 67 children were measured to learn the relative size of sections of their brains to determine any differences in the brains of fit children and those who aren’t fit.  The leaders of the study, University of Illinois professor Art Kramer, doctoral student Laura Chaddock, and health and community professor, Charles Hillman, focused on the hippocampus because of its importance in cognitive tasks that include learning and memory.  In general, the larger the hippocampus, the better the performance on spatial reasoning and other cognitive tasks.
A larger hippocampus means more new neurons and cell survival, things that improve memory and learning.  The researchers found that the hippocampus of the physically fit children were about 12% larger than the less-fit children.  A larger hippocampus improved performance on memory tasks.  Making sure that your child is physically active enhances his overall health and improves his brain functioning.

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